Friday, March 24, 2006

The evil of using Microsoft Word for attaching images to an email

A new and totally stupid trend that seems to have been surfacing by the group of people in an office that are non very computer literate: When attempting to attach an image to an email in Outlook as an attachment, they put the image into a Microsoft Word document and then attach the entire document.

There is nothing wrong with using Word, but using Word just to attach one image, which can be attached directly to an email, is very stupid. For those of us that do not use Word or have to rely on a slow dial-up connection (paying per minute connected to the internet), this is a very bad thing.
Word documents can end up being very bloated because of all of the additional information that they contain.

An image can start at a file size of roughly 40 bytes to a couple of MB, with the decent big JPEG images are a few hundred KB in size. An empty Word document starts at 24 KB. Properly optimised images from websites tend to be between 2 KB and 15 KB (if they are big).

Putting an image into a Word document, saving the Word document and then attaching it, instead of just attaching the image, is a major waste of time.

Some people need to learn what common sense is and how to use it. Those that cannot use common sense deserve to be shot!

1 comment:

  1. It's not really a case of using common sense... some people who are not very computer savvy, might still possess a good dose of common sense but not the necessary knowledge. Big difference. Anyway, thanks for the advice. It's usefull.
