Friday, March 27, 2015

How convenience is killing society

As per human nature and also the most common denominator in mathematics, nobody wants to do more work than required. This can be seen as efficiency and also becomes convenience.

The convenience factor is meant to simplify things and hopefully also get a more likely action from people since they would not do things that are tedious or a little bit too much effort. The problem with this is that once a new level of convenience becomes the norm that people want more convenience.

This new level of convenience in reality introduces relying on others due to delegating everything and also introduces lazyness which in turn also causes more people becoming obese and even more lazy. What does not help is a lot of these people then complain about everything and that things are not quick enough for them or not cheap enough. etc. They later on even start complaining when they get something for free.

To make matters worse, this reliance on others also causes the following problem with websites, product packaging, books and other things: reading is becoming too much work (even little bits) and pictures are needed for everything. This is one of the reasons why we have these horrible trends with software where there are these super large tiles that do very little instead of simplicity and yet complex functionality and letting users actually do useful things. Basically everything gets dumbed down more and more.

All of the above comes down to too much reliance on getting anything done and people do not actually want to think for themselves anymore where in the end the basic things need to be repeatedly explained in the same conversation. This gets rather frustrating for individual and businesses if people want something, but they could not be bothered to make an effort like giving specific enough information to be helped for example.

Imagine how this goes with adults who expect to have everything done for them If they have children, their children probably end up like that as well or worse. The term "spoiled brats" comes to mind.

Basically my message is simple: Think for yourself and make an effort to improve your own life instead of expecting that others can do it for you.