Thursday, October 04, 2007

Busy weeks

The last couple of weeks have been far too busy and I am quite exhausted as a result. Recently I also got new costumes for my home business which cost me a fortune. My PC also died and I had to get a new one.

Due to me varnishing my kitchen door and a friend of mine being clumsy, my entire fridge smells of Terpentine. Tomorrow is my father's birthday and I am taking him out to dinner. This evening I am getting some clients and I am going to dinner at friend. I really hate it when people insist on me having to give them a specific time of arrival when I cannot even guess roughly myself due to unknowns. That really annoys me really quickly which is for me reason enough not to attend a meeting which has a flexible starting time. The more persistent some people are, the quicker I will pull out of things related to that.