Monday, October 14, 2013

Windows 8 updates forcing a reboot, not cool at all

This morning my PC at work with Windows 8 decided to forcefully tell me that my PC will be rebooting in 15 minutes due to updates and a timer running full screen. At least I had a close option to save my work, but I suspect that the timer would keep on going.

This is most intrusive and I am highly annoyed with this tactic. I should be allowed to choose when I am going to reboot for updates and not get forced into it. What if this happened during a presentation in front of an audience? This makes me glad that I never bothered getting Windows 8 for my home PC since I bought Windows 7. I am not happy with some things of Windows 7 either, but that is another matter.

Windows 8 has so many other annoyances that I would like to avoid as well which Windows 7 did not have, but this reboot forcing is yet another intrusive tactic. I understand that this is for security reasons most likely, but if the system was designed properly and not just a face, then this tactic would not have been needed.