Monday, February 23, 2015

Google Analytics enhanced ecommerce tracking nightmares

This post is a rant since I am not finding the information that I am looking for.

For many years I have been using Google Analytics and it was wonderful. Now with the Universal Analytics I am having severe problems with ecommerce and enhanced ecommerce (ec) not showing anything in the reports. This same thing happened on two different projects.

Going three or four times through the documentation for normal Universal Analytics did not seem to help. Everything was exactly as per documentation, the data got posted, but the report shows zero. Forums turned out to be useless and the same with all those wonderful articles that tell you about everything, but not the real way to actually implement. My patience on the matter is now very low since I have been fighting for days with this.

Using Google Tag Manager brought up the same thing where there is plenty about dataLayer, but nothing really on what actually links it up with tags, rules and macros in regards to names, uppercase/lowercase spelling etc.

I am seriously getting the impression that everyone either knows how to do it or not at all and the documentation assumes things since the examples are never complete even when marked as complete. How about just posting an actually example that actually works? I do not want to see posts like "it is so easy" and similar nonsense. Not all of us deal on a daily basis with this stuff and do not have the time to go through hundreds of pages of documentation about very few lines of code, but no clear answer about why the reports keep on showing zero. It does not help that the clients are pushing for data and other things also need urgent attention.