Tuesday, January 31, 2006

IIS Log file splitter

Yesterday a client phoned me about a problem where a franchise would sue the main company since the company website was apparently offline. I know that it wasn't and the main company knew that it wasn't. What a lot of people didn't know was that one of the major ISPs had a connecitivity problem due to bad weather. This ISP rents out bandwidth to smaller ISPs, which I suspect was the problem for the franchise.

Since our usual website traffic reporting tool doesn't work anymore since the latest Windows updtes have been done (W2K Server SP4), I had to resort back to using the older method to analyse the log files.

The client wanted daily information for a specific domain. Since the log file contained information of multiple domains, and the lite edition of my emergency log file analyser doesn't support multiple domains, I wrote my own IIS Log file splitting tool. This tool does split IIS log files if they contain a domain name and then creates a new file with the information for that name, and whatever comment rows were found.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Tenant problems

The tenants here were finally told to either pay or move out. Since they can't actually pay and have missed several months, they are most likely moving at the end of this month.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Looking for a new place to stay

As a direct result of my parents divorcing a couple of years ago, I have to move in one to two months from now. The exact moment is not quite certain yet. Looking around for flats or apartments to rent in Cape Town, showed either broken websites or old information. The prices are also a bit too high in most cases so that is also not affordable. I can afford accommodatino of 1500 Rand (ZAR) per month, anything higher is going to be extremely tight on my already tight budget, due to monthly debit orders. If you have any information where I could rent something (preferably close to Cape Town central), please let me know.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Another interesting day...

Today came and went fast. For a change, I was a bit earlier at the train station than the train, instead of a couple of seconds before the time. I am amazed, that I haven't actually missed it for a long time. The daily jogging also helps.

The morning at the office I spent time on fixing some bugs and upgrading some sections of a highly customised website. The afternoon was hectic chaos, during the late afternoon, somebody showed up to run some SQL server performance tests, while I was busy making a website accessible to search enige spiders, since JavaScript menus just don't work so well. The not much used noscript tag does wonders... :)

One important thing I found out about the new MSN Desktopn search: Do not use the tabbed browsing function. Internet Exploiter (Explorer) is tricked into showing different websites in the same area, and the entire browser goes totally unstable after a while and freezes. This is hopefully only because the tabs are add-ons. This kind of unstable software is what Microsoft is so well known for. On the topic, here is a joke:
How many Microsoft Programmers are required to screw in a new light bulb?
None, darkness is declared as the new standard.

I have also read in the IE Blog that the select statement is finally going to get the CSS sections that everything else had. This is years overdue and was already well know in IE4 (1998!!!).

After returning home by train, a client of my home business came. She took quite a while to pick what she wanted. Since I am renting out costumes, there is always a size issue or some people don't like certain things. After trying on many costumes, she decided on one and rented that for several days. Reminder to self: Update website prices to indicate multiple day rates.

The rest of the evening so far has continued with cooking and playing Total Annihilation. I cannot wait until the inofficial sequel is available called Supreme Commander.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Link Centre Internet Directory and Search Engine

In my usual search for new and existing directories and search engines that have free submission, I have found the Link Centre Internet Directory. The submission is quite straightforward and not as painful as some of the other submissions from various other directories. The home page is also clearly organised since a lot of immediate sub categories can be easily accessed and identified. This makes it easy for anybody trying to submit a site. The sponsored link part is also not aggressivley pushed into view like what can be usually seen. This is part of making the submission less painful. :)

Read more at linkcentre.com/

Moving due to divorce

As a direct result of my parents divorcing, I will end up having to move within the next two months. This is going to cause quite a financial strain and additional problems, but that will be sorted out in time. Either I am going to have to rent somewhere or buy a house or flat. Buying is not much of an option, due to the over inflated house prices and the resulting monthly payments.

Friday, January 13, 2006

New superhero costumes have arrived

Yesterday the new superhero costumes that I have ordered in december have arrived. They are Captain America and the 2005 editions of Batgirl and Supergirl.

The Captain America suit is the same size as the Iron Man suit, which are both a bit smaller than the Mr. Incredible suit, which has a slightly different design. The mask is also open at the back, and those wings always go to the front.

The Supergirl costume looks very nice and it seems to be made out of velvet. This one seemed like the best investment for quality out of the three costumes.

The Batgirl costume turned out to be different than on the packaging photo, and it is also a smaller medium size than the medium sized Supergirl costume.

The costumes have been added to my website catalogue found at:
Costumes to rent from BKE Costume Rental

Monday, January 09, 2006

Back from vacation

Late on Saturday, 7 January 2006, I returned from my three week vacation in Namibia to visit family and friends. The trailer behind the bus lost a wheel and was scraping on the road for quite a while. This caused a delay of three hours.

The heat was only 36 degrees in the shade which is normal for that time of the year.
Once the raining season started with Christmas, there was quite a bit of flooding. It was the typical scenario: Most of the eyar not enough rain, and when it comes, it really comes too much.

Yesterday (Sunday, 8 Januar 2006) I went to visit a friend of mine for the latest updates. I also fetched my costumes from him, which I rented out shortly before I left. The people renting the costumes were instructed to drop them off at his place. The Spider-Man suit was rented for a birthday party to surprise a child (the cousin of the father was wearing the suit). The Catwoman costume was rented for the Mother City Queer Project (MCQP) costume party which apparently was quite a success.