Thursday, September 29, 2005

Missing music CDs

Recently it became apparent, that some of my treasured music CDs have gone missing. They are not where all of my other CDs and DVDs are. I know of two people that would take them without asking and one of them is overseas.

The annoying part about that is the fact that those are difficult to get, and the companies selling them here put 138 percent markup on music CDs, which is the very reason why I stopped buying music CDs, because that became too expensive a few years ago due to the continously rising prices. Then sometime after that the music industry started making a big fuss about people copying the music instead of buying... I wonder why

Most of the music available these days and being played at least ten times per day on radio for months on end, is mostly rubbish music for the masses that don't know of better. The really good stuff is not being played on most radion stations.

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