Wednesday, September 06, 2006

New costume booking system gone live

After going live with my newly developed costume booking system, I ran into some glitches which needed fixing. The live server was a bit different than my local server. Somebody already used the booking form for a costume and booked one costume for an entire month. Last night, I did an update to enable the end date on the booking form and the displaying of the bookings now includes the end date. There are still other issues that need to be fixed, but as it is now, the system is running and in use.

The booking system is the biggest headache, since time needs to be calculated for at least three days per costume, and overlapping dates would cause a problem. The minimum three days comes from a costume being picked up one day, then being used the next day, and usually brought back the day after that. Some people cannot return costumes on Sunday, so they come on Monday, which makes that four days. Once a costume has been returned, it needs to be washed which can be up to two days, or if there is a long washing machine waiting queue, it might take a few days longer to be ready.

Repairs are of course an annoyance, expense and time delay. There is usually no fixed time how long that could take.

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