Tuesday, January 31, 2006

IIS Log file splitter

Yesterday a client phoned me about a problem where a franchise would sue the main company since the company website was apparently offline. I know that it wasn't and the main company knew that it wasn't. What a lot of people didn't know was that one of the major ISPs had a connecitivity problem due to bad weather. This ISP rents out bandwidth to smaller ISPs, which I suspect was the problem for the franchise.

Since our usual website traffic reporting tool doesn't work anymore since the latest Windows updtes have been done (W2K Server SP4), I had to resort back to using the older method to analyse the log files.

The client wanted daily information for a specific domain. Since the log file contained information of multiple domains, and the lite edition of my emergency log file analyser doesn't support multiple domains, I wrote my own IIS Log file splitting tool. This tool does split IIS log files if they contain a domain name and then creates a new file with the information for that name, and whatever comment rows were found.

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