Thursday, August 01, 2013

Beggars are becoming more on the streets of Cape Town

This is an ugly topic, but someone has to say something. This will also affect tourism, investors and other industries, but something has to be done.

The last couple of weeks and even months I have noticed how more and more beggars are asking me for money. This is not just me, multiple other people have told me the same thing:
The beggars on the streets of Cape Town are becoming more!

Since I do not have deep pockets and am paying a lot of taxes, I am asking what is the local and national government doing about this? All that I do see is that taxpayers and commuters now get taxed at least 30% on petrol and this is most likely going up. This in turn affects food prices and eventually jobs which will add to the unemployment problem and even more beggars. The rich are getting richer and the rest just struggles and gets poorer. Top make matters worse, I have heard that electricity prices are now also going up again.

Usually this kind of thing gets followed by yet another squandering for useless things of government funds for which the struggling taxpayer yet again foots the bill.

Obviously it will be a 100% guarantee that nobody in government is going to put some minimal support system in place for these beggars because that is political suicide, a black hole for finance and a huge project which nobody wants to touch with a very long stick. In the end this just stays unmentioned but everyone knows about it. Nothing get acknowledged would be the standard procedure here about something being done.

Add to this mess the issue seen a few weeks ago about the toilet system for at least 80000 houses that was promised and never implemented or implemented in a totally impractical way using a temporary system meant for camping on a weekend and not multiple years of daily use. Obviously people just had enough of this mess and promises but totally under delivered.

Add to this the usual top level fat cats that get paid bonuses and extra bonuses for more or less doing nothing but supposedly performing well, while the people doing the work are slaving away and getting minimal pay and horrible working conditions. Do not forget understaffed and not properly equipped.

Something needs to be done soon before even more people end up on the street.

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