Monday, January 16, 2012

Supreme Commander 2 strategies against normal difficulty computer

This last weekend I was trying some different Surpreme Commander 2 skirmish games in 1vs1 maps against normal difficulty opponents and DLC units enabled and no restrictions.

Noticeably the different AI opponents tend to have different preferences from my findings.

What commonly happens at the start is that the AI is going to send up to three vehicles and then some more. It helps to have at least two cannons ready early on to survive. Some AI players send airplanes, so having at least one anti-air is good if there are planes. Some AI players do not seem to use planes at all. This also seems to depend on the map as well.

My most effective strategy to stay alive against huge waves of attacking units was lots of cannons. To get them, I had to hold out until I could research mass converters. The important step here was to have the energy ready which meant lagging behind due to building lots of power generators at a safe remote location right from the very start. This obviously slowed down everything else because the power generators are so cheap and research stations are expensive. Once the first three mass converters are running, then production really started going which also meant more research, more cannons, shields, artillery, more planes and more ships if water map. This strategy should also work in cooperative multiplayer with a player team against a computer player team.

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